physician, assisted dying, Orgeon, Death with Dignity Act, Netherland, Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide, safeguards
This article provides a comparative statutory analysis of the requirements for a voluntary decision in a request for physician assisted dying under Oregon's Death with Dignity Act and the Netherlands' Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act. This comparative analysis aims to provide insight into how voluntariness is determined in practice and how the review procedure is conducted, with a view to identifying strengths and limitations within a legislative framework. First, the legislative safeguards aimed at protecting a voluntary decision are discussed. This is followed by an examination of the review procedure. This article concludes by arguing that there are concerning limitations with both the statutory safeguards and review procedure under Oregon's Death with Dignity Act.
Recommended Citation
Michaela Estelle Okninski, "A Comparative Analysis of Voluntariness Safeguards and Review Procedure under Oregon and the Netherlands' Physician Assisted Dying Laws" (2018) 41:1 Dal LJ 121.