Aboriginal athletes, Indigenous athletes, Canadian sport, oblivion studies, memory studies, UNDRIP
Established in 1951, the Tom Longboat Awards seek to “recognize Aboriginal athletes for their outstanding contributions to sport in Canada.” In her meticulous work of cultural history, the Cree kinesiologist Janice Forsyth places this official discourse in settler-colonial context. “The history of sport and physical activity in Canada,” she clarifies for sports scholars and administrators, “is not a history of empowerment or inclusion, or even of opportunity, accommodation, or amalgamation. Rather, it is a history of containment, control, and elimination.” Forsyth’s incisive analysis consequently goes well beyond the fields of sociology and sport history. On my reading, her work makes major contributions to the respective fields of oblivion studies and Indigenous law.
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Recommended Citation
Gwooyim Gyat Hawaaw, "Janice Forsyth, Reclaiming Tom Long Boat: Indigenous Self-Determination in Canadian Sport. With a Foreword by Willie Littlechild." (2021) 44:2 Dal LJ 689.