Pierre Schlag, humanity, legal writing, aesthetic of legal scholarship, behind the text
One theme that traverses much of Pierre Schlag’s work is a sense of profound humanity—the idea that thinking and writing about the law can and should be a deeply, genuinely human activity—an activity for which we can, and should, break up many of the barriers that stand between us, between who we really are, and what we think and write. It is an activity for which we should put aside our pretences and insecurities and the attached formalisms and exaggerations behind which we so often hide, and which in the end constrain our humanity so much, as they take on a dynamic of their own, a siloed technocratic rationality. It is a theme based on a belief that human beings are fundamentally good, despite all their many quirks and imperfections and doubts and destructive traits. It is a theme based on a notion that our humanness is a resource that should be tapped rather than reined in.
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Recommended Citation
Thomas Schultz, "Scholarship as Fun" (2024) 47:1 Dal LJ 17.
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