China, developmerits, founding of the People's Republic, Cultural Revolution, legal profession in Canada, legal education, revival, reform
Two developmerits in China since the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976 are of particular interest to the legal profession in Canada: the revival of legal education and the reform of the legal system. Legal education in China today has entered its most exciting period since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949. During the academic year 1980-81, China's four institutes of political science and law, and law faculties at eight universities and colleges, enrolled over 2,000 new students in four more law institutes and faculties than in 1965, the year before the Cultural Revolution. The present enrollment in law institutes and faculties is still lagging behind the best years of the post 1949 period; however, after three years' hard work, education in law, which was suspended during the Cultural Revolution, is now being steadily developed.
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Recommended Citation
R. St. J. Macdonald, “Legal Education in China today” (1980-1981) 6:2 DLJ 313.