Patient's Book of Rights, Consumer's Guide, Canadian Health Law, Well qualified lawyers, general public, matters of law, medicolegal field
Well qualified lawyers rarely take time to communicate important, often vital, information to the general public about matters of law which affect their lives and their health. This attractive handbook is a welcome exception to that rule. One of Canada's best known and most experienced lawyers in the medicolegal field, Lorne Rozovsky, has written a "consumer's guide" of some 140 pages on the subject of medical and hospital patient's rights under the laws. The area of law covered is what the author calls "health law," one of the most exciting and fastest growing of legal specialization fields in both Canada and the United States. This volume is Mr. Rozovsky's first attempt at reaching the public directly to inform them about a great variety of legal issues in general medical care, mental illness, and public health-communicable disease control. At the outset, the author cautions his readership that his book is not intended to replace the advice of a lawyer on a specific question of health law where the particular circumstances and the effects of local law must be considered. The book is intended rather to alert interested people to their rights under the law, so that they are not misled about what they can and cannot do when they are ill. Also, to help them to ask the correct questions of both their medical care-givers and their attorneys.
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Recommended Citation
A. Bissett-Johnson, “The Canadian Patient's Book of Rights: A Consumer's Guide to Canadian Health Law”, Book Review of The Canadian Patient's Book of Rights: A Consumer's Guide to Canadian Health Law by Lorne E. Rozovsky, (1982-1983) 7:2 DLJ 448.