Legal Education, Saskatchewan, Last Ten Years, historical sketch, Little Law School, Prairie
It may appear immodest to note how appropriate it is that the Dalhousie Law Journal should include Saskatchewan in this survey of recent trends in Canadian legal education. Yet from an historical standpoint, the ties between the respective universities have always been strong, and the influence of native Maritimers on the development of the College of Law in Saskatoon, as my colleague Howard McConnell (himself a New Brunswicker) observes in Prairie Justice, "can hardly be overestimated".' The University's first President, Walter Murray, brought west in 1909 one of his former students at Dalhousie, Arthur Moxon, destined to become the College of Law's first Dean eleven years later. Initially, however, Moxon taught classics in the only charter College, Arts and Science. It fell to a fellow- Dalhousian and Professor of Philosophy and Political Science, Ira MacKay, to offer the first law classes (as part of the Political Science programme) in the University's second academic year, 1910-11. These initial offerings were Jurisprudence and Constitutional Government. In the following session were added classes in International Law, English Law and British and Canadian Constitutional Law.
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Recommended Citation
Donald H. Clark, “Legal Education in Saskatchewan: The Last Ten Years”, Comment, (1982-1983) 7:2 DLJ 375.