Representation by Population, Pursuit of Elegance, Future, Constitution
Will the Canadian people be content with the present format of our recently won constitution? I do not think so. The obstacles to any further changes are indeed formidable, but they were equally formidable in the cases of the changes that have been achieved. In those cases, a popular will was at work which was spurred by the energy of a near-coalition of aggrieved groups, but which gently forced these energies into the formation of a more moderate working consensus. It is true that the consensus is a crippled one, especially concerning Quebec, and several problems will have to be settled before we can truly say that we have a satisfactory and nation-wide constitutional understanding
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Recommended Citation
Peter J. T. O Hearn, “From Representation by Population to the Pursuit of Elegance”, Comment, (1982-1983) 7:3 DLJ 762.