Solar Access, Canada, Common Law, Approach, viability, adaptability, active, passive solar collectors, alternative energy sources
The viability and adaptability of both active and passive solar collectors as alternative energy sources is not to be doubted; Canadian studies have deterrmined that a solar heated home is feasible in locations south of 530NI and although the radiation incident on each metre of land surface is relatively low in this country2 the total amount of solar energy received in Canada is over 7,000 times the total energy consumed.3 Government sources indicate that in spite of the relatively diffuse form of solar energy, most Canadian locales are suitable for solar water, pool and space heaters.4 As the technology develops to maximize effective collection methods and costs for active systems decrease, the demand for solar energy equipment will increase. Traditionally, the North American housing market has required 30 years or more to accept significant innovation.' Undoubtedly, government intervention, public interest, and uncertainties in conventional energy costs and supply will accelerate this normally long gestation period.6 Indeed, present indications are that by the year 2000 renewable energy sources will meet up to ten per cent of total energy demands 7 in Canada.
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Recommended Citation
Marie-Ann Bowden, “Protecting Solar Access in Canada: The Common Law Approach” (1984-1985) 9:2 DLJ 261.