University of Alberta, Faculty of Law, Province of Alberta, Northwest Territories, pivotal role, the province.
The University of Alberta was founded in 1908, three years after the Province of Alberta was created from the Northwest Territories. From the beginning the University has played a pivotal role in the life of the province. As the first and only university in the province it educated the business and professional class in the new society. Few young residents of the province ventured elsewhere to obtain a university education, and if they did, they obtained their first degree at the University of Alberta. The central importance of the Edmonton campus continued until the University of Calgary was established in 1945. Even after this date the University of Alberta continued to be the only source of training for several of the professions, including law. The University of Alberta currently has some 31,396 undergraduates and 4,443 graduate students. It is the second largest University in Canada, in terms of full-time student enrollment, and employs some 1,400 permanent, full-time, teaching, faculty members.
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Recommended Citation
Frank D. Jones, Q.C., “The University of Alberta Faculty of Law”, Comment, (1984-1985) 9:2 DLJ 393.