Law of Police Authority, McDonald Commission, McLeod Report, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, unauthorized break-ins, unlawful seizure, national security
By the summer of 1977 it was apparent that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police had engaged in unauthorized break-ins and unlawful seizure in their zeal to protect the national security., In response to growing public criticism and concern, then Solicitor-General Francis Fox announced the government's intention to establish a commission of inquiry into the scope and frequency of certain investigative techniques of the national police force. 2 The mandate of the McDonald Commission was to investigate RCMP procedures that were "not authorized or provided for by law". 3 Although the July appointment of the Commission resulted in an announced moratorium on certain practices within the Force, 4 the disturbing revelations continued.
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Recommended Citation
Rosemary Cairns Way, “The Law of Police Authority: The McDonald Commission and the McLeod Report” (1984-1985) 9:3 DLJ 683.