Re Canada Post Corp and CUPW

Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Casual Employee, Relief, Sick Leave, Overtime, Illness, Replacement


The Employer called in a casual employee to do work that normally would have been done by a regular employee assigned to work as relief. The regular employee filling that assignment had been on sick leave and had returned to work as a reliever even though he or she was unable to lift. When a short term absence gave rise to a need for someone to work, the reliever could not be called because he or she could not lift and so the Employer called in a casual. The Employer's position is that there was sufficient relief and the Employer should not have to use overtime just because the reliever couldn't perform certain functions. The Employer sees this as a long term illness allowing for a casual to be called in. The Union claims it is not a long term absence as defined by the collective agreement, and casuals cannot be used to cover short term absences.


Summary available only on CanLii. Full text available online at WestlawEdge Canada and Lexis+ (subscription required).
