Re Canada Post Corp and CUPW (Smith)

Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Full-Time, Letter Carrier, Wicket, Corner Brook, Lead Hand, Discharge


The Grievor is a full-time Letter Carrier who, because of a back problem, was moved to the wicket section of the Corner Brook Post Office where he worked as Lead Hand. He was discharged for misappropriating Corporate funds for personal use, as well as having improperly borrowed $200. The Grievor denies that he misappropriated any money, although he admits that he borrowed $200, contrary to policy. The Employer maintains the discharge was based on either the misappropriation or the taking of the $200. The Union argues it was based on both together so that the Employer must prove the misappropriation to make its case.


Case summary available at the Sir James Dunn Library via Canadian Labour Arbitration Summaries. Summary available only on CanLii. Full text available online at WestlawEdge Canada and Lexis+ (subscription required).
