Submissions from 1988
The Judicial Role in Educational Policy Making: Promise or Threat?, A. Wayne MacKay
Submissions from 1987
Twisting the Tourniquet Around the Pulse of Conventional Legal Wisdom: Jurisprudence and Law Reform in the Work of Robert A Samek, Richard F. Devlin FRSC
The Elwood Case: Vindicating the Educational Rights of the Disabled, A. Wayne MacKay
Constructive Murder and the Charter: In Search of Principle, A. Wayne MacKay and Isabel Grant
Education as a Basic Human Right: A Response to Special Education and the Charter, A. Wayne MacKay and Gordon Krinke
Submissions from 1986
Judging and Equality: For Whom Does the Charter Toll?, A. Wayne MacKay
Submissions from 1985
Book Review of Passion: An Essay on Personality , Richard F. Devlin FRSC
Fairness After the Charter: A Rose by Any Other Name?, A. Wayne MacKay
Submissions from 1981
Prosecutorial Control in Canada: The Definition of Attorney-General in Section 2 of the Criminal Code, Camille Cameron