Submissions from 2003
Litigants in Person in Civil Proceedings: Part II Solicitors' Perspectives, Elsa Kelly and Camille Cameron
Protecting Human Research Subjects: A Jurisdictional Analysis, Jennifer Llewellyn, Jocelyn Downie, and Robert Holmes
Protecting Human Research Subjects: A Jurisdictional Analysis, Jennifer Llewellyn, Jocelyn Downie, and Robert Holmes
Public Inquiries and the Legality of Blaming: Truth, Justice and the Canadian Way, A. Wayne MacKay and Monica McQueen
The Domestic Implementation of International Law: A Canadian Case Study, A. Wayne MacKay and Tina Piper
Submissions from 2002
Citizen Participation in Canadian Criminal Justice: The Emergence of 'Inclusionary Adversarial' and 'Restorative' Models, Bruce P. Archibald
Transnational Service of Process and Discovery in Federal Court Proceedings: An Overview, Phillip A. Buhler
Transnational Service of Process and Discovery in Federal Court Proceedings: An Overview, Phillip A. Buhler
Hired Guns and Smoking Guns: McCabe v British American Tobacco Australia Ltd, Camille Cameron
Litigants in Person in Civil Proceedings: Part 1, Camille Cameron and Elsa Holloway
Industry and the Academy: Conflicts of Interest in Contemporary Health Research, Jocelyn Downie
Copyright Limitations and Contracts. An Analysis of the Contractual Overridability of Limitations on Copyright, Lucie Guibault
Copyright Limitations and Contracts. An Analysis of the Contractual Overridability of Limitations on Copyright, Lucie Guibault
Le Tir Manqué De La Directive Européenne Sur Le Droit D’auteur Dans La Société De L’information, Lucie Guibault
Le tir manqué de la directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur dans la société de l’information, Lucie Guibault
Dealing with the Legacy of Native Residential School Abuse: Litigation, ADR, and Restorative Justice, Jennifer Llewellyn
Dealing with the Legacy of Native Residential School Abuse: Litigation, ADR, and Restorative Justice, Jennifer Llewellyn
The Effects of Being Diagnosed with a Learning Disability on Children's Self-Esteem, Keith MacMaster
The Precautionary Principle and Marine Environmental Protection: Slippery Shores, Rough Seas, and Rising Normative Tides, David VanderZwaag
Canada and the Precautionary Principle/Approach in Ocean and Coastal Management: Wading and Wandering in Tricky Currents, David VanderZwaag, Susanna Fuller, and Ransom Myers
Submissions from 2001
Professional Recommendations: Disclosing Facts and Values, Françoise Baylis and Jocelyn Downie
Health Care Ethics Experts in Canadian Courts, Jocelyn Downie
The Convergence of Multiple Models of Motivation for Second Language Learning: Gardner, Pintrich, Kuhl and McCroskey, Peter D. MacIntyre, Keith MacMaster, and Susan Baker
Negligence Principles in the School Context: New Challenges for the 'Careful Parent', A. Wayne MacKay and Colleen M. M. Flood
Source Selection Among Information Seekers: Ideals and Realities, David H. Michels and Heidi Julien
Strengthening Environmental Assessment of Canadian Supported Mining Ventures in Developing Countries, Sara Seck
The Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy, Arctic Council and Multilateral Environmental Initiatives: Tinkering While the Arctic Marine Environment Totters, David VanderZwaag, Robert Huebert, and Stacey Ferrara
Genetic and Metabolic Screening of Newborns: Must Health Care Providers Seek Explicit Parental Consent?, Sheila Wildeman and Jocelyn Downie
Genetic and Metabolic Screening of Newborns: Must Health Care Providers Seek Explicit Parental Consent?, Sheila Wildeman and Jocelyn Downie
Submissions from 2000
The Uncertain 'Revolution' in the Canadian Law of Evidentiary Privilege: What Principles Take Us Where, Bruce P. Archibald
Irregular Default Judgments: Should Hong Kong Discard the 'As of Right' Rule?, Camille Cameron
Human Rights and International Mutual Legal Assistance: Resolving the Tension, Robert Currie
Human Rights and International Mutual Legal Assistance: Resolving the Tension, Robert Currie
The Law and Politics of "Might": An Internal Critique of Hutch's Hopeful Hunch, Richard Devlin FRSC
Reducing the Democratic Deficit: Representation, Diversity, and the Canadian Judiciary, or Towards a "Triple P" Judiciary, Richard Devlin FRSC, A. Wayne MacKay, and Natasha Kim
Redressing the Imbalances: Rethinking the Judicial Role After R. v. R.D.S., Richard Devlin FRSC and Dianne Pothier
Egregious Inaction: Five Years after 'Of Life and Death', Jocelyn Downie
The Contested Lessons of Euthanasia in the Netherlands, Jocelyn Downie
The Ocean and International Environmental Law: Swimming, Sinking, and Treading Water at the Millennium, Douglas M. Johnston and David VanderZwaag
The Ethics of Water Fluoridation, Mary McNally and Jocelyn Downie
Race, Courts and Tribunals: Emerging Doctrines and Their Impact, Grace Allison Permaul and Michelle Y. Williams
Submissions from 1999
Frustration, Richard F. Devlin FRSC
Information/Consent/Authorization for Minors' Participation in Research, Jocelyn Downie
Institutions for Restorative Justice: The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Jennifer Llewellyn and R. Howse
Institutions for Restorative Justice: The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Jennifer Llewellyn and Robert L. Howse
The Waves of Information Technology, the Ebbing of Privacy and the Threat to Human Rights, A. Wayne MacKay
Submissions from 1998
The Politics of Prosecutorial Discretion: Institutional Structures and Tensions Between Punitive and Restorative Paradigms of Justice, Bruce P. Archibald