Research in a Changing World of Law and Technology
Morris L. Cohen
Of Persons and Property: The Politics of Legal Taxonomy
David Cohen and Allan C. Hutchinson
Retrieving Positivism: Law as Bibliolatry
Frederick C. DeCoste
Nomos and Thanatos (Part B). Feminism as
Jurisgenerative Transformation, or Resistance Through
Partial Incorporation?
Richard F. Devlin
The National Law Programme at McGill:
Origins, Establishment, Prospects
Roderick A. Macdonald
Book Reviews
The Fiercest Debate: Cecil A. Wright, the Benchers and
Legal Education in Ontario 1923-1957
W R. Lederman
Newfoundland and Dominion Status
Christine Boyle
The Theory and History of Ocean Boundary Making
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema
The Aftermath of the Marshall Commission:
A Preliminary Opinion
H Archibald Kaiser
"His whole life was one of continual warfare": John
Thomas Bulmer, Lawyer, Librarian and Social Reformer
Philip Girard
The Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba 1964-1989
D T. Anderson