18:1 (1995) Special Issue: Atlantic Canadian Fishery
The Groundfishery in Crisis: A Personal Snapshot
John G. Leefe
To Manage Quotas or Manage Fisheries?
The Root Cause of Mismanagement of Canada's
Groundfish Fishery
Peter Underwood
Constructing' Fisheries Management: A Values Perspective
David Ralph Matthews
Behind the Cod Curtain: A Perspective on the Political
Economy of the Atlantic Groundfish Fishery
D Leslie Burke and Leo Brander
The Atlantic Canadian Groundfishery: Roots of a Collapse
Anthony T. Charles
Lessons from the Abyss: Reflections on Recent Fisheries
Crises in Atlantic Canada and North Norway
Richard Apostle and Knut H. Mikalsen
The Mi'kmaq and the Fishery: Beyond Food Requirements
Bruce H. Wildsmith
What are we Managing Anyway?: The Need for an
Interdisciplinary Approach to Managing Fisheries Ecosystems
Jean-Jacques Maguire, Barbara Neis, and Peter R. Sinclair
Stresses and Mind-sets in Fishery Management
Douglas M. Johnston