Common Problems, Different "Solutions": Learningfrom International Approaches to Improving MedicalServices Access for Underserved Populations
Morris Barer and Laura Wood
"Cinderella" Services in the NHS Internal Market:Does Contracting Make a Difference?
David Hughes, Siobhan McClelland, and Lesley Griffiths
Managed Competition Reform in the Netherlandsand its Lessons for Canada
Frederik T. Schut and Herbert EGM Hermans
Accountability of Health Service Providers:Comparing Internal Markets and ManagedCompetition Reform Models
Colleen M. Flood
The Impact of the Purchaser Provider Funding Model inthe U.K. on the Independence of Persons with Disabilities:Implications for Canada
Sandra G. Leggat and Gaétan S. Tardif
In Search of Universality, Equity, Comprehensivenessand Competition: Health Care Reform and ManagedCompetition in Israel
Carmel Shalev and David Chinitz