Negotiating the Interface of Environmental and Economic
Governance: Nova Scotia's Environmental Goals and
Sustainable Prosperity Act
William Lahey and Meinhard Doelle
From Idea to Practice: Sustainable Development Efforts
in Manitoba
A John Sinclair and Lisa Quinn
In Search of "Compass and Gyroscope": Where Were
Adaptive Management and Principled Negotiation in
Nova Scotia's Forest-Strategy Process?
Peter N. Duinker
"And the People of the Province": EGSPA's Social Deficit
Susan Tirone, Lkaren Gallant, and Katie Sykes
Whistleblowing and Freedom of Conscience: Towards a
New Legal Analysis
Richard Haigh and Peter Bowal
Are Climate Change Policies Fair to Vulnerable Communities?
The Impact of British Columbia's Carbon Tax and Australia's
Carbon Pricing Policy on Indigenous Communities
Karen Bubna-Litic and Nathalie J. Chalifour
Searching and Seizing After 9/11: Developing and Applying
Empirical Methodology to Measure Judicial Output inthe
Supreme Court's Section 8 Jurisprudence
Richard Jochelson, Michael Weinrath, and Melaine Janelle Murchison