Restorative Justice:
Reflectionson Theory and Practice from within the Nova Scotia
Community UniversityResearch Alliance
Jennifer Llewellyn and Bruce Archibald
Imagining Success for a Restorative Approach to Justice:
Implications for Measurement and Evaluation
Jennifer J. Llewellyn, Bruce P. Archibald, Don Clairmont, and Diane Crocker
The Structure of Dialogue: Exploring Habermas' Discourse Theory
to Explain the "Magic" and Potential of Restorative Justice Processes
Audrey L. Barrett
Getting Past the Gatekeepers: The Reception of Restorative
Justice inthe Nova Scotian Criminal Justice System
Don Clairmont and Ethan Kim
African Nova Scotian Restorative Justice: A Change Has Gotta Come
Michelle Y. Williams
Trauma-Informed Approaches to Law: Why Restorative Justice
Must Understand Trauma and Psychological Coping
Melanie Randall and Lori Haskell
A Comment on "No Comment": The Sub Judice Rule and the
Accountability of Public Officials inthe 21st Century
Lorne Sossin and Valerie Crystal