Death to Semelhago!
Bruce Ziff
Of Lodestars and Lawyers: Incorporating the Duty
of Loyalty into the Model Code of Conduct
Colin Jackson, Richard Devlin, and Brent Cotter
Agonizing Identity in Mental Health Law and Policy (Part II):A Political Taxonomy of Psychiatric Subjectification
Sheila Wildeman
Doctoral Studies in Law: From the Inside Out
Dia Dabby, Bethany Hastie, and Jocelyn Stacey
Public Institutions as Defamation Plaintiffs
Hilary Young
Legal Barriers to Age Discrimination in Hiring Complaints
Pnina Alon-Shenker
Not Ideas of the Thing but the Thing Itself: Imagining a
Support Group for Separated and Divorced Fathers as a
Site of Legal Education
Thomas McMorrow
Book Review
Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law
Sabrina Tremblay-Huet