Legislation and its Limits
A. E. Anton
Cook, Oliphant, and Yntema: The Scientific Wing of American Legal Realism (Part II)
S. N. Verdun-Jones
The Problem of Similar Fact Evidence
C. R. Williams
The Ombudsman in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
K. A. Friedmann
Nova Scotia Freedom of Information Act
Keith R. Evans
New Developments in Nova Scotia Psychiatric Legislation
Lorne E. Rozovsky
Regulation of the Medical Profession in Nova Scotia
Duncan Beveridge
Legal Education in Canadian Schools?
Hugh M. Kindred
Book Review
The Law of Contract
Paul Thomas
Scientific Statistical and Methodology and the Doctrine of "Reasonable Doubt" in Criminal Law; (With Specific Reference to the Breath Analysis for Blood Alcohol) Empirical Fact or Legal Ficton?
A. Burton Bass, H. Davidson Gesser, and K. Stephan Mount
An Expert's Reputation
Malcolm Merry