Submissions from 2021
People at the Poles, Sara L. Seck and Sarah L. MacLeod
Sustainable Mining, Environmental Justice, and the Human Rights of Women and Girls: Canada as Home and Host State, Sara Seck and Penelope Simons
The New Sexual Assault Training Law is a Meaningless Political Gesture, Elizabeth Sheehy and Elaine Craig
Next Generation Impact Assessment: Exploring the Key Components, A John Sinclair, Meinhard Doelle, and Robert B. Gibson
Ocean Acidification and the Arctic: Regional Scientific and Governance Responses, Nadja Steiner and David VanderZwaag
Canada and Transboundary Fisheries Management in Changing Oceans: Taking Stock, Future Scenarios, U.R. Sumaila and David VanderZwaag
Regional Chief Prosper Calls for Mi’kmaw-Specific Vaccination Strategy in Nova Scotia, Jesse Thomas and Constance MacIntosh
Introduction to the Research Handbook on Ocean Acidification Law and Policy, David L. VanderZwaag, Nilüfer Oral, and Tim Stephens
From Sandbox to Pandemic: Agile Reform of Canadian Drug Regulation, Ipek Eren Vural, Matthew Herder, and Janice E. Graham
Canada Releases Redacted Versions of COVID-19 Vaccine Contracts, Marieke Walsh and Matthew Herder
Transnational Criminal Courts: A Partially-Realized Idea, Sara Wharton and Robert Currie
Comparative and Critical Analysis of Key Eligibility Criteria For Voluntary Assisted Dying Under Five Legal Frameworks, Ben P. White, Eliana Close, Lindy Willmott, Katrine Del Villar, Jocelyn Downie, James Cameron, Jayne Hewitt, Rebecca Meehan, and Laura Ley Greaves
Legislative Options to Address Institutional Objections to Voluntary Assisted Dying in Australia, Ben P. White, Lindy Willmott, Eliana Close, and Jocelyn Downie
International Perspectives on Reforming End-of-Life Law, Ben P. White, Lindy Willmott, Jocelyn Downie, Penney Lewis, Celia Kitzinger, Jenny Kitzinger, Kenneth Chambaere, Thaddeus Pope, Luc Deliens, Mona Gupta, Emily Jackson, Agnes van der Heide, Eliana Close, Katrine Del Villar, and Jodhi Rutherford
Will Bill 62 Have Unintended Consequences?, Geralyn Wichers and Jodi Lazare
Will Bill 62 Survive a Constitutional Challenge?, Geralyn Wichers and Jodi Lazare
Habeas Corpus Unbound, Sheila Wildeman
Submissions from 2020
Deciding, ‘What Happened?’ When We Don’t Really Know: Finding Theoretical Grounding for Legitimate Judicial Fact-Finding, Nayha Acharya
How COVID-19 Rekindled the Spirit of Teaching, Nayha Acharya
Mediation, the Rule of Law, and Dialogue, Nayha Acharya
Why Some Women Might Want ‘Missed-Period Pills’, Patrick Adams and Joanna Erdman
Developing Robust and Coherent Regional Trade Policy Could Quell the Chaos Surrounding Land Border Closures in Nigeria, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Developing Robust and Coherent Regional Trade Policy Could Quell the Chaos Surrounding Land Border Closures in Nigeria, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Dispute Settlement under the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement: A Preliminary Assessment, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Dispute Settlement Under the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement: A Preliminary Assessment, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
In EU-Africa Trade Relations: Africa is Not Europe’s “Twin Continent”, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
In EU-Africa Trade Relations: Africa is not Europe’s “Twin Continent”, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Symposium Introduction: Assessing the Roles of Theory and Methodology in the Study of IEL in Africa, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Symposium Introduction: Assessing the Roles of Theory and Methodology in the Study of IEL in Africa, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Theorizing Developmental Regionalism in Narratives of African Regional Trade Agreement, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Theorizing Developmental Regionalism in Narratives of African Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs), Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
The Politics of Regulating and Disciplining Judges in Nigeria, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Towards an Analyses of the Mega-Politics Jurisprudence of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Towards an Analyses of the Mega-Politics Jurisprudence of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
COVID-19 and South-South Trade & Investment Cooperation: Three Emerging Narratives, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe and Clair Gammage
Doing Development Differently: Reorienting Sino-African Trade and Investment Relations After the Pandemic, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe and Clair Gammage
Symposium Introduction: Vulnerabilities in the Trade and Investment Regimes in the Age of COVID-19, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe and Clair Gammage
Judicial Nullification of Presidential Elections in Africa: Peter Mutharika v Lazarus Chakera and Saulos Chilima in Context, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe and James Thuo Gathii
Introduction to the COVID-19 Symposium on International Economic Law in the Global South, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe, James Thuo Gathii, Titilayo Adebola, and Nthope Mapefane
Introduction to the COVID-19 Symposium on International Economic Law in the Global South, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe, James Thuo Gathii, Titilayo Adebola, and Nthope Mapefane
Africa’s Participation in International Economic Law in the 21st Century: An Introduction, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe, Ohio Omiunu, Amaka Vanni, Regis Y. Simo, and Luwam Dirar
Africa’s Participation in International Economic Law in the 21st Century: An Introduction, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe, Ohio Omiunu, Amaka Vanni, Regis Y. Simo, and Luwam Dirar
Ethical Testing in the Real World: Evaluating Physical Testing of Adversarial Machine Learning, Kendra Albert, Maggie Delano, Jonathon Penney, Afsaneh Ragot, and Ram Shankar Siva Kumar
Politics of Adversarial Machine Learning, Kendra Albert, Jonathon Penney, Bruce Schneier, and Ram Shankar Siva Kumar
Restorative Regulation of Criminality at Work in Canada: Workplace Safety, Penal Law, and Human Capability Enhancement, Bruce P. Archibald
The Regulation of Heavy Fuel Oil in Arctic Shipping: Interests, Measures, and Impacts, Jiayu Bai and Aldo Chircop
Polar Shipping Law, Kristin Bartenstein and Aldo Chircop
Indigenous Land Rights and the Politics of Property, Jamie Baxter
Expertise of People Who Use Drugs Must Be Central to Design of Safe Supply, Matthew Bonn, Sheila Wildeman, and Matthew Herder
A Hitchhikers' Guide to Comparative Tax Scholarship, Kim Brooks