Submissions from 2017
Revisiting Transnational Corporations and Extractive Industries: Climate Justice, Feminism, and State Sovereignty, Sara L. Seck
Treaties, and the Emancipatory Potential of International Law, Sara L. Seck
Looking Up, Down, and Sideways: Reconceiving Cumulative Effects Assessment as a Mindset, A. John Sinclair, Meinhard Doelle, and Peter Duinker
Examination of Witnesses in Criminal Cases, Hannah Steeves
Lessons from Morgentaler, Jennifer Taylor and Jodi Lazare
Canada–U.S. Fisheries Management in the Gulf of Maine: Taking Stock and Charting Future Coordinates in the Face of Climate Change, David VanderZwaag, Megan Bailey, and Nancy L. Shackell
Withholding and Withdrawing Potentially Life-Sustaining Treatment: Who Should Decide?, Ben White, Lindy Willmott, Eliana Close, and Jocelyn Downie
Submissions from 2016
Conclusion: A Summary of Common Themes, Nigel Bankes, Irene Dahl, and David VanderZwaag
Introduction: Navigating Multilevel Governance in Aquaculture, Nigel Bankes, Irene Dahl, and David VanderZwaag
Canada, Kim Brooks
The High Cost of Transferring the Dream, Kim Brooks
The High Cost of Transferring the Dream, Kim Brooks
Carrying on the Tradition: Justice Rothstein's Contribution to Canadian Tax Law, William Neil Brooks and Kim Brooks
Carrying on the Tradition: Justice Rothstein's Contribution to Canadian Tax Law, William Neil Brooks and Kim Brooks
Litigation as ‘Core Business’: Analysing the Access to Justice and Regulatory Dimensions of Commercially Funded Class Actions in Australia, Camille Cameron
Litigation as 'Core Business': Analyzing the Access to Justice and Regulatory Dimensions of Commercially Funded Class Actions in Australia, Camille Cameron
Collective Litigation in Economic Context: A Comparative Analysis, Camille Cameron, Jasminka Kalajdzic, and Alon Klement
Economic Enablers, Camille Cameron, Jasminka Kalajdzic, and Alon Klement
Jurisdiction Over Ice-Covered Areas and the Polar Code: An Emerging Symbiotic Relationship?, Aldo Chircop
Sustainable Arctic Shipping: Are Current International Rules for Polar Shipping Sufficient?, Aldo Chircop
Ocean Law Reform: A Multi-Level Comparative Law Analysis of Nigerian Maritime Zone Legislation, Aldo Chircop, David Dzidzornu, and Chidi Oguamanam
Functional Interactions and Maritime Regulation: The Mutual Accommodation of Offshore Wind Farms and International Navigation and Shipping, Aldo Chircop and Peter L'Esperance
El aborto en el derecho transnacional: Casos y controversias: Introducción, Rebecca Cook, Joanna Erdman, and Bernard Dickens
Criminal Procedure, Steve Coughlan
Early Patterns in the New Section 11(b) Framework, Steve Coughlan
R v Barclay, Steve Coughlan
R v Harflett, Steve Coughlan
R v Jordan: A Dramatically New Approach to Trial Within a Reasonable Time, Steve Coughlan
R v Marakah, Steve Coughlan
R v Poirier, Steve Coughlan
R v Thompson, Steve Coughlan
Self-Defence: Courts of Appeal Deciding New Provisions Guided by Old Principles, Steve Coughlan
Section 276 Misconstrued: The Failure to Properly Interpret and Apply Canada's Rape Shield Provisions, Elaine Craig
Section 276 Misconstrued: The Failure to Properly Interpret and Apply Canada's Rape Shield Provisions, Elaine Craig
The Ethical Identity of Sexual Assault Lawyers, Elaine Craig
The Ethical Identity of Sexual Assault Lawyers, Elaine Craig
The Inhospitable Court, Elaine Craig
The Inhospitable Court, Elaine Craig
Cross-Border Evidence Gathering in Transnational Crime Cases: Is the Microsoft Ireland Case the ‘Next Frontier'?, Robert Currie
Cross-Cutting Conflicts: Developments in the Use of Norwich Orders in Internet Defamation Cases, Robert Currie
Cross-Cutting Conflicts: Developments in the Use of Norwich Orders in Internet Defamation Cases, Robert Currie
Electronic Devices at the Border: The Next Frontier of Canadian Search and Seizure Law?, Robert Currie
Bend or Break: Enhancing the Responsibilities of Law Societies to Promote Access to Justice, Richard Devlin FRSC
Born in Faith, Continued in Determination: B.A. (Rocky) Jones and the Egalitarian Practice of Law, Richard Devlin
Fightin’ Words: Regulating Judges in Canada, Richard Devlin and Adam M. Dodek
Introduction: Regulating Judges – Challenges, Controversies, Choices, Richard Devlin and Adam M. Dodek
Self-Regulation, Professional Responsibility and the Duty to Report, Richard Devlin, Jocelyn Downie, and Sheila Wildeman
Loss and Damage in the UN Climate Regime: Prospects for Paris, Meinhard Doelle
Reviewing Implementation & Compliance Under the Paris Climate Agreement: Preliminary Thoughts on Process Design for Articles 13-15, Meinhard Doelle