Submissions from 2018
Submission: 2018 Legislative Review of Export Development Canada, Sara Seck, Keith MacMaster, and Penelope Simons
Resource Extraction and the Human Rights of Women and Girls: Policy Recommendations Associated with the Feminist International Assistance Policy, Sara Seck and Penelope Simons
Submission to the Open Call for Input regarding the Working Group’s Report on the Gender Lens to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Sara Seck and Penelope Simons
Update on the work of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment: relevance for states, businesses, and local environmental justice, Sara Seck and Meg Williams
Implementing Next Generation Assessment: A Case Example of a Global Challenge, A. John Sinclair, Meinhard Doelle, and Robert B. Gibson
Canadian Legal Professionals' Information Activities: What Do They Do, and How Do They Tweet, Hannah Steeves
Courts in Federal Countries: Federalists or Unitarists?, Hannah Steeves
Learning Canadian Criminal Law, Don Stuart and Steve Coughlan
The Retreat from ‘Least Intrusive Intervention’ in Canadian Child Protection Law, Rollie Thompson
The Year in Spousal Support: Appeals, Material Changes and More, Rollie Thompson
Arctic, David VanderZwaag
Edging Towards Principled Ocean Governance: Law of the Sea and Beyond, David VanderZwaag
Governance of the Arctic Ocean beyond National Jurisdiction: Cooperative Currents, Restless Sea, David VanderZwaag
Making Sense of Reasonableness, Sheila Wildeman
The Other Solitary: Psychiatric Segregation Needs to End, Too, Sheila Wildeman
The Road to Dunsmuir or, On Re-Reading Administrative Law's Bumpy Kinky Chain Novel in the Fading Light of "a Culture of Justification", Sheila Wildeman
Submissions from 2017
Background: Towards a Critical Assessment of Canadian-Nigerian Bilateral Relations, Olabisi Akinkugbe
Recalibrating Nigeria’s Whistleblowing Policy: An urgent plea for a comprehensive whistleblower protection legislation, Olabisi Akinkugbe
Background: Towards a Critical Assessment of Canadian-Nigerian Bilateral Relations, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Revisiting the Economic Community of West African States: A Socio-Legal Analysis, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Access to Justice, Jamie Baxter
Recovering Farmland Commons, Jamie Baxter
Recovering Farmland Commons, Jamie Baxter
Are Informal Caregivers of Persons with Dementia open to Extending Medical Aid in Dying to Incompetent Patients? Findings from a survey conducted in Quebec, Canada, Gina Bravo, Claudie Rodrigue, Marcel Arcand, Jocelyn Downie, Marie-France Dubois, Sharon Kaasalainen, Cees M. Hertogh, Sophie Pautex, and Lieve Van den Block
Nurses’ Perspectives on Whether Medical Aid in Dying Should Be Accessible to Incompetent Patients with Dementia: Findings from a survey conducted in Quebec, Canada, Gina Bravo, Claudie Rodrigue, Marcel Arcand, Jocelyn Downie, Marie-France Dubois, Sharon Kaasalainen, Cees M. Hertogh, Sophie Pautex, and Lieve Van den Block
Should Medical Assistance in Dying Be Extended to Incompetent Patients With Dementia? Research Protocol of a Survey Among Four Groups of Stakeholders From Quebec, Canada, Gina Bravo, Claudie Rodrigue, Vincent Thériault, Marcel Arcand, Jocelyn Downie, Marie-France Dubois, Sharon Kaasalainen, Cees M. Hertogh, Sophie Pautex, and Lieve Van den Block
Should Medical Assistance in Dying Be Extended to Incompetent Patients With Dementia? Research Protocol of a Survey Among Four Groups of Stakeholders From Quebec, Canada, Gina Bravo, Claudie Rodrigue, Vincent Thériault, Marcel Arcand, Jocelyn Downie, Marie-France Dubois, Sharon Kaasalainen, Cees M. Hertogh, Sophie Pautex, and Lieve Van den Block
Legal Interpretation in Tax Law: Canada, Kim Brooks
Legal Interpretation of Tax Law: Canada, Kim Brooks
Welcome to the Revolution, Kim Brooks
The Negotiating History of the Paris Agreement, Jane Bulmer, Meinhard Doelle, and Daniel Klein
Article 82: Payments and Contributions with Respect to the Exploitation of the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles, Aldo Chircop
Testing International Legal Regimes: The Advent of Automated Commercial Vessels, Aldo Chircop
The Arctic and Ongoing Polar Shipping Regulation, Aldo Chircop
The IMO, Its Role Under UNCLOS and Its Polar Shipping Regulation, Aldo Chircop
Is the Shipping Industry Doing Its Fair Share in the Global Response to Climate Change?, Aldo Chircop and Meinhard Doelle
Believing the Best of Others: The Jurisprudence of Justice Thomas Cromwell, Steve Coughlan
Canada Needs a Criminal Code, Steve Coughlan
Doing the Right Thing: Duress as a Defence to Murder, Steve Coughlan
R v Bastien, Steve Coughlan
R v Cody, Steve Coughlan
R v Cormier, Steve Coughlan
R v Lavallee, Steve Coughlan
R v Lee, Steve Coughlan
R v Orlandis-Habsburgo, Steve Coughlan
R v Patrick, Steve Coughlan
R v Ricciardi, Steve Coughlan
Detention and Arrest, Steve Coughlan and Glen Luther
Judging Sexual Assault Trials: Systemic Failure in the Case of Regina v Bassam Al-Rawi, Elaine Craig
Judging Sexual Assault Trials: Systemic Failure in the Case of Regina v Bassam Al-Rawi, Elaine Craig