Submissions from 2019
2018 Developments in Home and Host State Policy Responses to Foreign Direct Investment, Sara Seck, Olabisi Akinkugbe, and Adebayo Majekolagbe
Export Credits, Sovereign Debt, and Human Rights, Sara Seck and Daniela Chimisso Dos Santos
Loss and Damage from Climate Change: From Concept to Remedy?, Sara Seck and Meinhard Doelle
Reflections on Orphan Well Association v Grant Thornton Ltd 2019 SCC 5, Sara Seck, Meinhard Doelle, Lisa Benjamin, and Colin Jackson
Call for Inputs: Climate Change and Human Rights: A Safe Climate, Sara L. Seck and Lisa Benjamin
Closing the Gender Equality Gap in the Extractive Sector: The Role of Institutional and Normative Frameworks in Canada and Peru: Final Report to CIES, Sara Seck and J.C. Orihuela
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, special issue edited by Sara L Seck & Penelope Simons, Sara Seck and Penelope Simons
Upcoming Canadian Country Visit of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Toxics, Sara Seck and Meg Williams
Freedom: A Work in Progress, Rusi Stanev and Sheila Wildeman
Debating Rights Inflation in Canada: A Sociology of Human Rights, Hannah Steeves
Impacts of the Changing Ocean-Sea Ice System on the Key Forage Fish Arctic Cod (Boreogadus Saida) and Subsistence Fisheries in the Western Canadian Arctic—Evaluating Linked Climate, Ecosystem and Economic (CEE) Models, Nadja S. Steiner, William W. L. Cheung, Andres M. Cisneros-Montemayor, Helen Drost, Hakase Hayashida, Carie Hoover, Jen Lam, Tessa Sou, U. Rashid Sumaila, Paul Suprenand, Travis C. Tai, and David VanderZwaag
Train Wrecks: 3M National Teaching Fellows Explore Creating Learning and Generative Responses from Colossal Failures, William B. Strean, Patrick T. Maher, and Kim Brooks
Legislating About Relocating Bill C-78, N.S. and B.C., Rollie Thompson
Spousal Support Eh? Sorry, Not Your American Alimony, Rollie Thompson
Challenges of the Changing Arctic: Continental Shelf, Navigation, and Fisheries, David VanderZwaag
Governance of Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean: Cooperative Currents, Foggy Future, David VanderZwaag
자율운항선박의 통제원리로서의 선원의 상무와 해사법규 개정방안 [translation: A Study on the Ordinary Practice of Seamen as a Controlling Principle of MASS and its Revision of Maritime Law], Jinho Yoo, Chan-Soo Jung, and Sang-Il Lee
Submissions from 2018
Adjudicating Uncertain Facts – The Case for Procedural Legitimacy, Nayha Acharya
Towards Ocean Peace: Resolving Disputes Cooperatively and Empathetically Through Negotiation, Nayha Acharya
Informal networks of corruption: assessing the challenges for public sector whistleblowing in Nigeria, Olabisi Akinkugbe
Why Nigeria had good reasons to delay signing Africa’s free trade deal, Olabisi Akinkugbe
Informal Networks of Corruption: Assessing the Challenges for Public Sector Whistleblowing in Nigeria, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
2017 Developments in Homes and Host State Policy Responses to Foreign Direct Investment, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe and Sara L. Seck
Shipping Corridors Through the Inuit Homeland, Claudio Aporta, Stephanie C. Kane, and Aldo Chircop
Leadership, Law and Development, Jamie Baxter
Are Informal Caregivers of Persons With Dementia Open to Extending Medical Aid in Dying to Incompetent Patients? Findings From a Survey Conducted in Quebec, Canada, Gina Bravo, Claudie Rodrigue, Marcel Arcand, Jocelyn Downie, Marie-France Dubois, Sharon Kaasalainen, Cees M. Hertogh, Sophie Pautex, and Lieve Van den Block
Nurses’ Perspectives on Whether Medical Aid in Dying Should Be Accessible to Incompetent Patients With Dementia: Findings From a Survey Conducted in Quebec, Canada, Gina Bravo, Claudie Rodrigue, Marcel Arcand, Jocelyn Downie, Marie-France Dubois, Sharon Kaasalainen, Cees M. Hertogh, Sophie Pautex, and Lieve Van den Block
Introduction, Aldo Chircop
Testing International Legal Regimes: The Advent of Automated Commercial Vessels, Aldo Chircop
The IMO’s Work on Environmental Protection and Global Ocean Governance, Aldo Chircop
The Shipping Industry Could Move from Laggard to Leader on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Aldo Chircop and Meinhard Doelle
Canada's Implementation of the Polar Code, Aldo Chircop, Peter G. Pamel, and Miriam Czarski
자율운항선박 원격운항자의 역할과 법적 지위에 관한 소고-선원과 선장 개념을 중심으로 [translation: The Roles and Legal Status of Remote Operators of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships: Focusing on the Concept of a Crew and a Master], Junghwan Choi, Jinho Yoo, and Sang-Il Lee
Why De Minimis Should Not Be a Defence, Stephen Coughlan
Ohenhen (Re), Steve Coughlan
Patterns in the Jordan Case Law One Year After Cody, Steve Coughlan
R v Barclay, Steve Coughlan
R v Jones, Steve Coughlan
R v Marakah, Steve Coughlan
R v Ranhotra, Steve Coughlan
R v Russell, Steve Coughlan
R v SCW, Steve Coughlan
R v Wong, Steve Coughlan
Reform of the Defence of Duress (and Necessity), Steve Coughlan, Gerry Ferguson, Don Stuart, Benjamin Berger, Carissima Mathen, and Peter Sankoff
Judicial Audiences: A Case Study of Justice David Watt's Literary Judgments, Elaine Craig
Judicial Audiences: A Case Study of Justice David Watt's Literary Judgments, Elaine Craig
Putting Trials on Trial, Elaine Craig