Submissions from 2014
Unasur: The Newest 'Global Player' or Neo-Boliverian Fantasy?, Sara Gwendolyn Ross
Your Day in 'Wiki-Court': ADR, Fairness, and Justice in Wikipedia's Global Community, Sara Gwendolyn Ross
Discussion Paper for International Law Association Study Group on Business and Human Rights, Sara Seck and Anthony Crockett
Of Mitochondria and Men: Why Brain Death is Not the Death of the Human 'Organism as a Whole', Jacquelyn Shaw
Ideas of Spousal Support Entitlement, Rollie Thompson
Submissions from 2013
Book Review: South–South cooperation: Africa on the centre stage. By Renu Modi (ed), Olabisi Akinkugbe
The Dilemma of Public–Private Partnerships as a Vehicle for the Provision of Regional Transport Infrastructure Development in Africa, Olabisi Akinkugbe
Book Review of African Regional Trade Agreement as Legal Regimes by James Thuo Gathii, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Book Review of South-South Cooperation: Africa on the Centre State, Renu Modi Ed, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
The Dilemma of Public–Private Partnerships as a Vehicle for the Provision of Regional Transport Infrastructure Development in Africa, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
Restorative Justice and the Rule of Law: Rethinking Due Process through a Relational Theory of Rights, Bruce P. Archibald
Legal Institutions of Farmland Succession: Implications for Sustainable Food Systems, Jamie Baxter
Legal Institutions of Farmland Succession: Implications for Sustainable Food Systems, Jamie Baxter
Property, Information and Institutional Design, Jamie Baxter
Property, Information and Institutional Design, Jamie Baxter
The Tale of Assisted Human Reproduction Canada: A Tragedy in Five Acts, Francoise Baylis and Jocelyn Downie
Understanding 'Elder Abuse and Neglect': A Critique of Assumptions Underpinning Responses to the Mistreatment and Neglect of Older People, Marie Beaulieu, Madine Vanderplaat, Steve Coughlan, Jeff Karabanow, Ezra Wexler, Joan Harbison, and Sheila M. M. Wildeman
Direct Taxation, Tax Treaties and IIAs: Mixed Objectives, Mixed Results, Kim Brooks
The Quest for Tax Reform Continues: The Royal Commission on Taxation Fifty Years Later, Kim Brooks
Commentator’s Response to J. Goodwin 'Norms of Advocacy', Camille Cameron
Commentator’s Response to J. Goodwin 'Norms of Advocacy', Camille Cameron
Working Paper on the Development of Guidelines for the Implementation of Article 82, Aldo Chircop
Telus: Asking the Right Questions About General Warrants, Stephen Coughlan
The Rise and Fall of Duress (or How Duress Changed Necessity Before Being Excluded by Self-Defence), Stephen Coughlan
Sections 9, 10 and 11 of the Canadian Charter, Stephen Coughlan and Robert Currie
Canadian Law Dictionary, Steve Coughlan
Telus: Asking the Right Questions About General Warrants, Steve Coughlan
The Rise and Fall of Duress (or How Duress Changed Necessity Before Being Excluded by Self-Defence), Steve Coughlan
Sections 9, 10 and 11 of the Canadian Charter, Steve Coughlan and Robert Currie
The Canadian Legal System, Steve Coughlan and Dale Darling
The Case for the Federation of Law Societies Rejecting Trinity Western University's Proposed Law Degree Program, Elaine Craig
The Case for the Federation of Law Societies Rejecting Trinity Western University's Proposed Law Degree Program, Elaine Craig
Abrogating the Witness Immunity Rule: How Fast? How Far?, Robert Currie
Abrogating the Witness Immunity Rule: How Fast? How Far?, Robert Currie
International & Transnational Criminal Law, Robert Currie and Joseph Rikhof
Compliance and Enforcement in the Climate Change Regime, Meinhard Doelle
The Role of EA in Achieving a Sustainable Energy Future in Canada: A Case Study of the Lower Churchill Panel Review, Meinhard Doelle
Using Strategic Environmental Assessments to Guide Oil and Gas Exploration Decisions: Applying Lessons Learned from Atlantic Canada to the Beaufort Sea, Meinhard Doelle
Putting the Train of Environmental Governance Back on Track: Nova Scotia's Experiment in Using Legislation to Strengthen Environmental Governance, Meinhard Doelle and William Lahey
Ethics Education for Canadian Medical Students, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
Professional Recommendations: Disclosing Facts and Values, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
Transnational Trade in Human Eggs: Law, Policy, and (In)Action in Canada, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
Transnational Trade in Human Eggs: Law, Policy, and (In)Action in Canada, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
Unfinished Business: Ongoing Ethical Exceptionalism in the Oversight of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research in Canada, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
A Constitutional Defence of the Federal Ban on Human Cloning for Research Purposes, Jocelyn Downie, Francoise Baylis, and Jennifer Llewellyn
Reflections on the Commercialization of Research Conducted in Public Institutions in Canada, Jocelyn Downie and Matthew Herder
Ill-Informed Consent? A Content Analysis of Physical Risk Disclosure in School-Based HPV Vaccine Programs, Jocelyn Downie, Noni MacDonald, Francoise Baylis, Audrey Steenbeek, and Mary Appleton
The Ethics of Water Fluoridation, Jocelyn Downie and Mary McNally
Inadmissible, Eh?, Jocelyn Downie and Ronalda Murphy