Submissions from 2012
Understanding 'Elder Abuse and Neglect': A Critique of Assumptions Underpinning Responses to the Mistreatment and Neglect of Older People, Joan Harbison, Stephen Coughlan, Marie Beaulieu, Jeff Karabanow, Madine Vanderplaat, Sheila Wildeman, and Ezra Wexler
Understanding 'Elder Abuse and Neglect': A Critique of Assumptions Underpinning Responses to the Mistreatment and Neglect of Older People, Joan Harbison, Steve Coughlan, Marie Beaulieu, Jeff Karabanow, Madine Vanderplaat, Sheila Wildeman, and Ezra Wexler
Choice Patents, Matthew Herder
Unlocking Health Canada’s Cache of Trade Secrets: Mandatory Disclosure of Clinical Trial Results, Matthew Herder
Recent Crime Legislation: The Challenge for Prison Health Care, Adelina Iftene and Allan Manson
Recent Crime Legislation: The Challenge for Prison Health Care, Adelina Iftene and Allan Manson
Bouchard-Lebrun: Unduly Limiting Toxic Psychosis and Reigniting the Dangerous Intoxication Debate, H Archibald Kaiser
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Beginning to Examine the Implications for Canadian Lawyers' Professional Responsiblities, H Archibald Kaiser
The Therapeutic Misconception: A Threat to Valid Parental Consent for Paediatric Neuroimaging Research, Nuala Kenny, Jocelyn Downie, Ryan D'Arcy, Michael Hadskis, and Matthias H. Schmidt
Interprofessionalism and Collaborative Self-Regulation in the Health Professions: Two Variations on an Emerging Canadian Theme, William Lahey Prof.
Universal Jurisdiction: A Means to End Impunity or a Threat to Friendly International Relations?, Karinne Lantz
Integrating Peace, Justice and Development in a Relational Approach to Peacebuilding, Jennifer Llewellyn
Integrating Peace, Justice and Development in a Relational Approach to Peacebuilding, Jennifer Llewellyn
Insecure Refugees: The Narrowing of Asylum-Seeker Rights to Freedom of Movement and Claims Determination Post-9/11 in Canada, Constance MacIntosh
Developments in Aboriginal Law: The 2011-2012 Term – Charter Rights, Constitutional Rights, Taxation and Sentencing, Constance MacIntosh and Gillian Angrove
Respectful and Responsible Relationships: There's No App for That, A. Wayne Mackay
Forging or Foregoing the ‘Genuine Link’? A Reflection on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and Other Approaches, Moira McConnell
The Law Applicable on the Continental Shelf and in the Exclusive Economic Zone, Moira McConnell
Seeking God’s Will: The Experience of Information Seeking by Leaders of a Church in Transition, David H. Michels
Communications Disruption and Censorship under International Law: History Lessons, Jonathon Penney
Communications Disruption and Censorship under International Law: History Lessons, Jonathon Penney
Open Connectivity, Open Data: Two Dimensions of the Freedom to Seek, Receive and Impart Information in the New Zealand Bill of Rights, Jonathon Penney
Open Connectivity, Open Data: Two Dimensions of the Freedom to Seek, Receive and Impart Information in the New Zealand Bill of Rights, Jonathon Penney
Virtual Inequality: Challenges for the Net's Lost Founding Value, Jonathon Penney
Virtual Inequality: Challenges for the Net's Lost Founding Value, Jonathon Penney
Canadian Mining Internationally and the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, Sara L. Seck
Ontario’s Administrative Tribunal Clusters: A Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty for Administrative Justice?, Lorne Sossin and Jamie Baxter
Ontario’s Administrative Tribunal Clusters: A Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty for Administrative Justice?, Lorne Sossin and Jamie Baxter
Prosecutorial Guidelines for Voluntary Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Autonomy, Public Confidence and High Quality Decision-Making, Ben White and Jocelyn Downie
Insight Revisited: Relationality and Psychiatric Treatment Decision-Making Capacity, Sheila Wildeman
Insight Revisited: Relationality and Psychiatric Treatment Decision-Making Capacity, Sheila Wildeman
Pas de Deux: Deference and Non-Deference in Action, Sheila Wildeman
Pas de Deux: Deference and Non-Deference in Action, Sheila Wildeman
Substitute Decision Making about Research: Identifying the Legally Authorized Representative in Four Canadian Provinces, Sheila Wildeman, Gina Bravo, Marie-France Dubois, Carole Cohen, Janice Graham, Karen Painter, and Suzanne Bellemare
Substitute Decision-Making about Research: Identifying the Legally Authorized Representative in Four Canadian Provinces, Sheila Wildeman, Gina Bravo, Marie-France Dubois, Carole Cohen, Janice Graham, Karen Painter, and Suzanne Bellemare
Submissions from 2011
Solving Europeana’s Mass-Digitization Issues Through Extended Collective Licensing?, Johan Axhamn and Lucie Guibault
Judges and Religious-Based Reasoning, David Blaikie and Diana Ginn
Are Canadians Providing Advance Directives About Health Care and Research Participation in the Event of Decisional Incapacity, Gina Bravo, Marie-France Dubois, Carole Cohen, Sheila Wildeman, Janice Graham, Karen Painter, and Suzanne Bellemare
Are Canadians Providing Advance Directives about Health Care and Research Participation in the Event of Decisional Incapacity?, Gina Bravo, Marie-France Dubois, Carole Cohen, Sheila Wildeman, Janice Graham, Karen Painter, and Suzanne Bellemare
A Reasonable Balance: Revenue Authority Discretions and the Rule of Law in Canada, Kim Brooks
A Reasonable Balance: Revenue Authority Discretions and the Rule of Law in Canada, Kim Brooks
The Meaning of 'Enterprise,' 'Business' and 'Business Profits' Under Tax Treaties and EU Tax Law, Kim Brooks
The Meaning of 'Enterprise,' 'Business' and 'Business Profits' Under Tax Treaties and EU Tax Law (Canada), Kim Brooks
Evaluating Fast Track and Tax Case Management in the Federal Court of Australia: Interim Report, Camille Cameron
The Price of Access to the Civil Courts in Australia: Old Problems and New Solutions - A Commercial Litigation Funding Case Study, Camille Cameron
The Price of Access to the Civil Courts in Australia: Old Problems and New Solutions - A Commercial Litigation Funding Case Study, Camille Cameron
Defining Civil Disputes: Lessons from Two Jurisdictions, Camille Cameron and Elizabeth Thornburg
Good Faith, Bad Faith and the Gulf Between: A Proposal for Consistent Terminology, Stephen Coughlan
Keeping 'Reasonable Grounds' Meaningful, Stephen Coughlan