Submissions from 2013
Shooting Ourselves in the Foot: Why Mandatory Reporting of Gunshot Wounds is a Bad Idea, Jocelyn Downie and Merril Pauls
Moving Forward with a Clear Conscience: A Model Conscientious Objection Policy for Canadian Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, Jocelyn Downie, Jacquelyn Shaw, and Carolyn McLeod
A Feminist Exploration of Issues around Assisted Death, Jocelyn Downie and Susan Sherwin
Feminist Health Care Ethics Consultation, Jocelyn Downie and Susan Sherwin
Updated WHO Guidance on Safe Abortion: Health and Human Rights, Joanna Erdman, Teresa DePiñeres, and Eszter Kismodi
Updated WHO Guidance on Safe Abortion: Health and Human Rights, Joanna Erdman, Teresa DePiñeres, and Eszter Kismodi
Public Health Information Privacy and Confidentiality, Elaine Gibson
Access to Information and Knowledge, Lucie Guibault
Book Review: Jacques de Werra (ed.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Licensing, Lucie Guibault
Jacques de Werra (ed.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Licensing, Lucie Guibault
Licensing Research Data Under Open Access Conditions Under European Law, Lucie Guibault
Emerging Academic Scientists' Exclusionary Encounters with Commercialization Law, Policy, and Practice, Matthew Herder
When Everyone is an Orphan: Against Adopting a US-Styled Orphan Drug Policy in Canada, Matthew Herder
When Everyone is an Orphan: Against Adopting a US-Styled Orphan Drug Policy in Canada, Matthew Herder
Regulating Prescription Drugs For Patient Safety: Does Bill C-17 Go Far Enough?, Matthew Herder, Elaine Gibson, Janice Graham, Joel Lexchin, and Barbara Mintzes
Settlement and Compromise in Canadian Income Tax Law Since Carter, Colin Jackson
Settlement and Compromise in Canadian Income Tax Law Since Carter, Colin Jackson
Law and Psychiatry in the Age of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, H Archibald Kaiser
Ryan: A Troubling and Doctrinally Meandering Case Sets the Stage for the Law Reform Process and an Independent Inquiry, H Archibald Kaiser
Paediatric MRI Research Ethics: The Priority Issues, Nuala Kenny, Jocelyn Downie, Ryan D'Arcy, Jennifer Marshall, Matthias Schmidt, and Michael Hadskis
Problematic Principles: The CMA on Public/Private Health Care, Nuala Kenny, Jocelyn Downie, and Chantelle Rajotte
Combining the Knowledge of Federalism Researchers, Health Care Researchers, and Policy Practitioners to Understand and Improve Canadian Health Care Federalism, William Lahey Prof.
Gerard V. La Forest and the Uncertain Greening of Canadian Public Law, William Lahey Prof.
Legislating Interprofessional Regulatory Collaboration in Nova Scotia, William Lahey Prof.
The Legal Framework for Intergovernmental Health Care Governance: Making the Most of Limited Options, William Lahey Prof.
After the Berger Blanc: A Comparative Approach to the Utilitarian Regulation of Municipal Animal Control, Jodi Lazare
After the Berger Blanc: A Comparative Approach to the Utilitarian Regulation of Municipal Animal Control, Jodi Lazare
Imagining Success for a Restorative Approach to Justice: Implications for Measurement and Evaluation, Jennifer Llewellyn, Bruce Archibald, Donald Clairmont, and Diane Crocker
Digital Content Contracts for Consumers, Marco Loos, Chantal Mak, Lucie Guibault, Lodewijk Pessers, and Natali Helberger
The Role of Law in Ameliorating Global Inequalities in Indigenous Peoples’ Health, Constance MacIntosh
Teachers and the Law: Diverse Roles and New Challenges, A. Wayne Mackay, Lyle Sutherland, and Kim Pochini
Legal Ethics Versus Political Practices: The Application of the Rules of Professional Conduct to Lawyer-Politicians, Andrew Martin
Legal Ethics versus Political Practices: The Application of the Rules of Professional Conduct to Lawyer-Politicians, Andrew Flavelle Martin
Aboriginal Law: A New Role for Administrative Law, Naiomi Metallic
Les droits linguistiques des peuples autochtones, Naiomi Metallic
“I took up the case of the stranger”: Arguments from Faith, History and Law, David H. Michels and David Blaikie
Direct Taxation, Tax Treaties and IIAs: Mixed Objectives, Mixed Results, Martha O'Brien and Kim Brooks
The Speakers’ Bureau System: A Form of Peer Selling, Lynette Reid and Matthew Herder
Corporate Law Tools and the Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, Sara Seck
Insurance Law Principles in an International Context: Compensating Losses caused by Climate Change, Sara Seck and Craig Brown
Corporate Law Tools and the Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, Sara L. Seck
The TLC of Shared Parenting: Time, Language and Cash, Rollie Thompson
A Community of Procedure Scholars: Teaching Procedure and the Legal Academy, Elizabeth Thornburg, Erik Knutsen, Carla Crifo', and Camille Cameron
A Community of Procedure Scholars: Teaching Procedure and the Legal Academy, Elizabeth Thornburg, Erik S. Knutsen, Carla Crifo', and Camille Cameron
The ICJ, ITLOS and the Precautionary Approach: Paltry Progressions, Jurisprudential Jousting, David VanderZwaag