Submissions from 2020
The (Un)Constitutionality of Ontario’s New Ag-Gag Legislation, Jodi Lazare
'Who Gets the Dog?' A Family Law Approach, Jodi Lazare
The Number of Small Fishing Vessels Smuggling Illegal Drugs Has Tripled, Joshua Rapp Learn and Aldo Chircop
Regulators, Pivotal Clinical Trials, and Drug Regulation in the Age of COVID-19, Joel Lexchin, Janice Graham, Matthew Herder, Tom Jefferson, and Trudo Lemmens
Nova Scotia Restorative Inquiry Offers New Vision of Justice, Jennifer Llewellyn
Who is Subject to Canadian Income Tax, Geoffrey Loomer, Colin Jackson, and Bradley Bryan
Disagreements Within the US Food and Drug Administration Regarding Approval of Novel Therapeutic Agents, 2011-2015, Andrea MacGregor, Audrey D. Zhang, Joshua D. Wallach, Joseph S. Ross, and Matthew Herder
Decisionally Incapable Children and Medical Treatment Choices in Canada, Constance MacIntosh
Report on Impact of Illicit Drugs Across Nova Scotia Kept Confidential by Government, Alexa MacLean and Matthew Herder
More Data, Less Problems: A Case for More Precise Climate Data in Investment Allocation, Keith MacMaster
Mining For Equality: Soft Targets and Hard Floors for Boards of Directors?, Keith MacMaster and Sara L. Seck
Mining For Equality: Soft Targets and Hard Floors for Boards of Directors?, Keith MacMaster and Sara L. Seck
Courts Without Cases: The Law and Politics of Advisory Opinions, Andrew Martin
Creative and Responsive Advocacy for Reconciliation: The Application of Gladue Principles in Administrative Law, Andrew Martin
From Attorney General to Backbencher or Opposition Legislator: The Lawyer’s Continuing Duty of Confidentiality to the Former Client, Andrew Martin
Professional Autonomy and the Public Interest: The Barristers’ Society and Nova Scotia’s Lawyers, 1825–2005, Andrew Martin
Seeking the Court's Advice: The Politics of the Canadian Reference Power, Andrew Martin
The Government Lawyer as Activist: A Legal Ethics Analysis, Andrew Martin
Folk Hero or Legal Pariah? A Comment on the Legal Ethics of Edgar Schmidt and Schmidt v Canada (Attorney General), Andrew Flavelle Martin
New Brunswick Needs a Public Inquiry into Systemic Racism in the Justice System: Nova Scotia Shows Why, Naiomi Metallic
New Brunswick Needs a Public Inquiry Into Systemic Racism in the Justice System: Nova Scotia Shows Why, Naiomi Metallic
Searching for “Superchief” and Other Fictional Indians: A Narrative and Case Comment on R v Bernard, Naiomi Metallic
Quebec’s Misguided Challenge to Federal Indigenous Child Welfare Law, Naiomi Metallic, Christine Guay, and Hadley Friedland
Canada's Actions Around the Mi'Kmaq Fisheries Rest on Shaky Legal Ground, Naiomi Metallic and Constance MacIntosh
The Relationship Between Canada and Indigenous Peoples: Where Are We?, Naiomi Walqwam Metallic
Gearing Up Impact Assessment as a Vehicle for Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Angus Morrison-Saunders, Luis E. Sánchez, François Retief, A. John Sinclair, Meinhard Doelle, Megan Jones, Jan-Albert Wessels, and Jenny Pope
COVID-19 Vaccines as Global Public Goods, Jason W. Nickerson and Matthew Herder
Intangibles and Transfer Pricing Regulation in Nigeria: An Exposition, Okanga Ogbu Okanga
The Political Economy of Nigeria’s Digital Tax Experiment, Okanga Ogbu Okanga
Reducing Unnecessary Caesarean Sections: Scoping Review of Financial and Regulatory Interventions, Newton Opiyo, Claire Young, Jennifer Harris Requejo, Joanna Erdman, Sarah Bales, and Ana Pilar Betrán
Mother-Child Programs for Incarcerated Mothers and Children and Associated Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review, Martha Paynter, Keisha Jefferies, Shelley McKibbon, Ruth Martin-Misener, Adelina Iftene, and Gail Tomblin Murphy
Online Abuse, Chilling Effects, and Human Rights, Jonathon Penney
Ask an Expert: Indigenous Law Scholar Constance MacIntosh on Modern Misconceptions About Treaty Rights, Matt Reeder and Constance MacIntosh
'Relational Presence': Designing VR-Based Virtual Learning Environments for Oral History-Based Restorative Pedagogy, Jennifer Roberts-Smith, Justin Carpenter, Kristina R. Llewellyn, Jennifer J. Llewellyn, Tracy Dorrington-Skinner, Gerald Morrison, and Tony Smith
Unscrewing the Future: The Right to Repair and the Circumvention of Software TPMs in the EU, Anthony D. Rosborough
Copyright in the Public Interest: Canada’s Perceptual Disability Framework, Anthony D. Rosborough and Lucie Guibault
Comparative Legal Perspectives on Cultural Land Trusts for Urban Spaces of Culture, Community, and Art: A Tool for Counteracting Displacement, Sara Gwendolyn Ross
Transgressive DIY (“Do It Yourself”) Spaces, Mixed Virtual/Physical Affinity Spaces, And Building Code Vigilantism, Sara Gwendolyn Ross
Urban Law at Night: Night Mayors and Nighttime Urban Governance Strategies for Sustainable Urban Night Spaces and Spatiotemporal Equality, Sara Gwendolyn Ross
Introduction to Polar Law, Karen N. Scott and David VanderZwaag
Climate Change and the Human Rights Responsibilities of Business Enterprises, Sara L. Seck
Teaching Note: Human Rights and the Environment, Sara L. Seck
A relational analysis of enterprise obligations and carbon majors for climate justice, Sara L. Seck
Accountability: Legal Risks and Remedies, Sara L. Seck and Akinwumi Olawuyi Ogunranti
Potential COVID-19 Vaccine Still Not in Canada, Three Months After Approval for Trials, Redmond Shannon and Matthew Herder
In the Shadow of International Law: Secrecy and Regime Change in the Postwar World, Hannah Steeves