Submissions from 2020
An Intellectual History of Comparative Tax Law, Kim Brooks
Portrait of a Tax Transplant Artist, Kim Brooks
Portrait of a Transplant Artist, Kim Brooks
The Ethical Tax Judge, Kim Brooks
The Ethical Tax Judge, Kim Brooks
The Logic, Policy and Politics of Tax Law, Kim Brooks
Tim Edgar: The Accidental Comparatist, Kim Brooks
Tim Edgar: The Accidental Comparatist, Kim Brooks
Implementation of Article 82 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: the Challenge for Canada, Aldo Chircop
Obligations of Flag States in the Exclusive Economic Zone, Aldo Chircop
The Polar Code and the Arctic Marine Environment: Assessing the Regulation of the Environmental Risks of Shipping, Aldo Chircop
The Regulation of Ship Emissions in Canadian Northwest Atlantic and Arctic Waters: Is There a Need for Consistency and Equity?, Aldo Chircop
Introduction, Aldo Chircop, Floris Goerlandt, Claudio Aporta, and Ronald Pelot
Governance of International Shipping in the Era of Decarbonisation: New Challenges for the IMO?, Aldo Chircop and Desai Shan
R v Chapman: Can You Believe Without Believing?, Steve Coughlan
R v Chouhan, Steve Coughlan
R v Edwards, Steve Coughlan
R v KGK, Steve Coughlan
R v King, Steve Coughlan
R v KJM, Steve Coughlan
R v Lichtenwald, Steve Coughlan
R v NG, Steve Coughlan
R v Nygaard, Steve Coughlan
R v Penton, Steve Coughlan
Sullivan: Can a Section 7 Violation Ever Be Saved Under Section 1?, Steve Coughlan
An Examination of How the Canadian Military’s Legal System Responds to Sexual Assault, Elaine Craig
Communication, Knowledge Sharing and Danger Assessments: Key Factors in the Prevention of Domestic Violence Fatalities, Elaine Craig
Feminism, Public Dialogue and Sexual Assault Law, Elaine Craig
How the Minority Parliament can Help Respond to Sexualized Violence, Elaine Craig
Sexual Assault and Intoxication: Defining (in)Capacity to Consent, Elaine Craig
Book Review: Legal Responses to Transnational and International Crimes: Toward an Integrative Approach, Robert Currie
Extradition, Robert Currie
Is Canada Helping Other Countries Kill People?, Robert Currie
Polar Code Implementation in the Arctic Five: Has Harmonisation of National Legislation Recommended by AMSA Been Achieved?, Miriam Czarski and Aldo Chircop
It’s Time for Canada to Follow Ontario’s Critical Care Triage Protocol, Cal DeWolfe and Jocelyn Downie
Next Generation Environmental Assessment in the Emerging High Seas Regime? An Evaluation of the State of the Negotiations, Meinhard Doelle and Gunnar Sander
Loss & Damage from Climate Change: A Maturing Concept in Climate Law?, Meinhard Doelle and Sara Seck
The Theorized Relationship between Organizational (Non)Compliance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Human Rights and Desired Employee Workplace Outcomes, Magda B. L. Donia, Salvador Herencia Carrasco, Sara L. Seck, Robert McCorquodale, and Sigalit Ronen
Did the FDA Understaff Its Review of the Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine?, Peter Doshi and Matthew Herder
Integrated Drug Reviews at the US Food and Drug Administration—Reply, Peter Doshi, Christopher J. Morten, and Matthew Herder
Human Rights Due Diligence and Extractive Industries, Daniela Chimisso Dos Santos and Sara L. Seck
An Indefensible Amendment to Medical Assistance in Dying Legislation, Jocelyn Downie
In a Nutshell: An Attempted Assault on Access to MAiD, Jocelyn Downie
Medical Assistance in Dying Bill an Important Step Forward for Canadians With Dementia, Jocelyn Downie
Return to Sport Should Be About Safety, Not Prizes, Jocelyn Downie
Why Feminist Philosophy (Especially Sue Sherwin’s) Matters: Reflections through the Lens of Medical Assistance in Dying, Jocelyn Downie
La COVID-19 et les protocoles de triage, Jocelyn Downie and Cal DeWolfe
Identity Manipulation: Responding to Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Suzie Dunn
Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence: An Overview, Suzie Dunn
Stand by Me: Viewing Bystander Intervention Programming through an Intersectional Lens, Suzie Dunn, Jane Bailey, and Yamikani Msosa