Arbitration Decisions
Re Nova Scotia Liquor Corp and NSGEU, Local 470, Innis Christie
Re Nova Scotia (Minister of Education) and NSTU, Innis Christie
Re Pacific Western Airlines Ltd and Canadian Airline Employees' Association, Innis Christie
Re Pepsi Bottling Group and CAW-Canada, Loc 1015 (Williams), Innis Christie
Re Pictou District School Board and NSTU, Innis Christie
Re Provincial Health Services Authority and CUPE, Loc 805, Innis Christie, B Crockett, and S Robinson
Re Provincial Health Services Authority and CUPE, Loc 805, Innis Christie, B Crockett, and S Robinson
Re Provincial Health Services Authority and PEIUPSE, Innis Christie
Re Provincial Health Services Authority and PEIUPSE, Innis Christie
Re Purolator Courier Ltd and Milton, Innis Christie
Re Queens County Residential Services Inc and CUPE, Loc 3373 (White), Innis Christie
Re Queen's Regional Authority and IUOE, Loc 942 (Snow), Innis Christie
Re Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union and Hershey Chocolate of Canada (1967) Ltd, Innis Christie
Re RK MacDonald Nursing Home Corp and CAW, Local 2107, Innis Christie
Re Saint John (City of) and Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, IAFF Local 771 (Davidson), Innis Christie, G Lawson, and A Levine
Re Salvation Army Grace General Hospital and Newfoundland Nurses Union, Innis Christie, P Fenwick, and W Wells
Re Scotia Trawler Equipment Co and CAW, Local 1944, Innis Christie
Re Scott Maritimes Ltd and CPU, Local 440, Innis Christie
Re Secunda Marine Services Ltd and Bradley, Innis Christie
Re Sisters of Saint Martha and CAW, Local 2017, Innis Christie
Re Stereotypers & Electrotypers Union Local 50 and The Ottawa Citizen, Innis Christie, S E. Dinsdale, and Larry Sheffe
Re Stora Forest Industries Co and CEP, Innis Christie
Re Strait Crossing Joint Venture and IUOE, Innis Christie
Re St Vincent's Guest House and CUPE, Loc 1082, Innis Christie, M Tynes, and Donald H. McDougall
Re TCC Bottling Ltd and Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union, Local 1065, Innis Christie
Re Technical University of Nova Scotia (Board of Governors) and TUNSFA, Innis Christie, Donald H. McDougall, and A Wayne MacKay
Re Textile Workers Union and Lady Galt Towels Ltd, Innis Christie
Re The Queen in Right of the Province of Nova Scotia and Nova Scotia Government Employees Association, Innis Christie
Re The University of British Columbia and Kane, Innis Christie, Peter Burns, and Roland Gray
Re Thomas and Access Cable Television Ltd, Innis Christie
Re Truro (Town of) and CUPE, Local 734, Innis Christie, Eric B. Durnford, and Kenneth Hennick
Re Truro (Town of) and CUPE, Local 734, Innis Christie, Donald H. McDougall, and L Wark
Re Twin Cities Co-Operative Dairy Ltd and Teamsters Union, Local 927, Innis Christie
Re Ultramar Canada Inc and Atlantic Oil Workers, Local 1, Innis Christie
Re United Ass'n of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry and Fraser-Brace Engineering Co Ltd, Innis Christie, F Quaife, and A A. White
Re United Ass'n of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Local 221, and Fraser-Brace Engineering Co Ltd, Innis Christie, F Quaife, and A A. White
Re United Automobile Workers and Kelvinator of Canada Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Automobile Workers, Local 195, and Bendix Automotive of Canada Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Automobile Workers, Local 195, and Bendix-Eclipse Automotive of Canada Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Automobile Workers, Local 195, and Bendix-Eclipse of Canada Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Automobile Workers, Local 195, and Bendix-Eclipse of Canada Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Automobile Workers, Local 195, and East Side Plating Co Ltd, Windsor Bumper Co Ltd and East Side Stamping Co Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Automobile Workers, Local 397, and Bay State Abrasive Products Co (Canada) Ltd, Innis Christie, H P. Guest, and H M. Payette
Re United Automobile Workers, Local 673, and Douglas Aircraft Co of Canada Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Automobile Workers, Local 984, and York Gears Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Automobile Workers of America, Local 195, and Bendix-Eclipse of Canada Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Brewery Workers, Local 173, and Carling Breweries Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Brewery Workers, Local 800, and Loblaw Groceterias Co Ltd, Innis Christie
Re United Cork Linoleum & Plastic Workers, Local 380, and Union Carbide Canada Ltd, Innis Christie, G Brooks, and C W. VanWinsen
Re United Electrical Workers, Local 523, and Welland Forge Ltd, Innis Christie, S Bullock, and E J. Orsini
Re United Food Processors Union, Local 483 and Canada Starch Co (Buker), Innis Christie, J L. McDougall, and George Barron
Re United Food Processors Union, Local 483 and Canada Starch Co (McKay), Innis Christie, D L. Guthrie, and George Barron
Re United Steelworkers and Vulcan Containers (Canada) Ltd, Innis Christie, C Gareau, and N E. Wrycraft
Re United Steelworkers, Local 4820, and Haley Industries Ltd, Innis Christie, D M. Storey, and D Churchhill-Smith
Re United Steelworkers of America, Local 4444, and Stanley Steel Co Ltd (Hamilton Plant), Innis Christie, W Stetson, and E J. Orsini
Re University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association and University of Saskatchewan, Innis Christie, Nancy Hopkins, and Susie Scott
Re University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association and University of Saskatchewan, Innis Christie, Nancy Hopkins, and Suzie Scott
Re Utah Mines Ltd and International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 115, Innis Christie
Re Victoria General Hospital and CBRT & GW, Local 606, Innis Christie
Re Western Regional Health Board and NSNU, Innis Christie
Re Yarmouth Regional Hospital and CUPE, Innis Christie, Leo McCormick, and Donald H. McDougall
Re York Farms Ltd, Sardis and Canadian Food and Allied Workers, Local P430, Innis Christie, J Wells, and A Hamilton
Saint John Board of Police Commissioners v Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) (Saint John Police Protective Association), Local 61, Innis Christie
Saint Martha's Hospital v National Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers Union of Canada (CAW-Canada), Innis Christie
Scotian Crewing & Supply Services Ltd v Canadian Merchant Service Guild, Innis Christie
Shelburne District Municipal School Board v Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 1218, Innis Christie, Rick Everett, and Donald H. McDougall
Toronto (City of) v The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 79, Innis Christie, Bradshaw Paulin, and Murray Tate
Twin Oaks Memorial Hospital v Nova Scotia Nurses' Union (NSNU), Innis Christie, Raymond F. Larkin, and Donald H. McDougall
Twin Oaks Memorial Hospital v Nova Scotia Nurses' Union (NSNU), Innis Christie, Donald H. McDougall, and Raymond F. Larkin
UFCW, Local 1288P v Maple Leaf Consumer Foods Moncton Ltd, Innis Christie
United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, Local 83 v Aluma Systems Inc, Innis Christie
University of Prince Edward Island Faculty Association v University of Prince Edward Island, Innis Christie
Valley Health Services Assn v Nova Scotia Government Employees Union (NSGEU), Local 18, Innis Christie
Commissions of Inquiry, A Paul Pross, Innis Christie, and John A. Yogis
Employment Law in Canada, Innis Christie
Employment Law in Canada, 2nd ed, Innis Christie, Geoffrey England, and Brent Cotter
Employment Law in Canada, 3rd ed, Geoffrey England, Innis Christie, and Merran Christie
Employment Law in Canada, 4th ed, Geoffrey England, Innis Christie, Roderick Wood, Peter Barnacle, and Michael Lynk
Interview with Innis Christie in Dalhousie Law School: An Oral History, Ronald St. John MacDonald
Issues of the Ends of Life: The Segelberg Series, Terry Waite, Jocelyn Downie, Karen Lebacqz, Harvey M. Chochinov, Genevieve Thompson, Allan E. Blakeney, Eric Beresford, Innis Christie, and David Stuewe
Judicial Review of Statutory Powers: Cases and Materials, Innis Christie, Donald D. Carter, and David J. Mullan
Legal Writing and Research Manual, Innis Christie
Legal Writing and Research Manual, John A. Yogis and Innis Christie
Legal Writing and Research Manual, John A. Yogis, Innis Christie, and Michael J. Iosipescu
Legal Writing and Research Manual, John A. Yogis, Innis Christie, and Michael J. Iosipescu
Legal Writing and Research Manual, John A. Yogis, Innis Christie, Michael J. Iosipescu, and Michael Deturbide
Legal Writing and Research Manual, John A. Yogis, Innis Christie, Michael J. Iosipescu, and Philip W. Whitehead
Legal Writing and Research Manual, John A. Yogis, Innis Christie, Philip W. Whitehead, and Anne Matthewman
Legal Writing and Research Manual, John A. Yogis, Innis Christie, Philip W. Whitehead, and Anne Matthewman
The Liability of Strikers in The Law of Tort: A Comparative Study of the Law in England and Canada, Innis Christie
Wage Protection: A Proposal for New Legislation in Nova Scotia, Innis Christie
Book Reviews
Collective Bargaining in Canada, Innis Christie
Labour Relations and Court Review: A Study in the Supervision and Control of Administrative Tribunals, Innis Christie
Procedures for Meetings and Organizations, Innis Christie
Restraint of Trade and Labour, Innis Christie and Bruce McDonald
The Brandon Packer's Strike, Innis Christie
The Worker and the Law, Innis Christie
Employment Law, Innis Christie
Labour Law I: Supplementary Materials, Innis Christie
Legal Profession and Professional Responsibility, Susan Ashley, Innis Christie, and Brent Cotter